Goodbye Emily

Goodbye Emily

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Stars in the night I try to see
Moon cast your light on destiny
Wind cries in pain a lonely cry
And only I know the reason why

Bring back to me loves fairest child
Of Heaven I'm told you're gracious and mild
She's all that I know so don't let her go

I say goodby, ever yours, forever mine
But only I know I won't let you go

Bye bye my love, goodbye Emily
Lost in the arms of the night
Remember me, goodbye Emily
I'll seek for you in the stars... oh yeah
My Emily... I'll be there

Bye bye my love, goodbye Emily
Lost in the arms of the night
Remember me, goodbye Emily
I'll seek for you in the stars... oh yeah
My Emily... I'll be there

Martyr my soul, goodbye Emily
Sleep softly now in the night
Love's deadful eve, goodbye Emily
I'll be with you in the sky

Martyr my soul, goodbye Emily
Sleep softly now in the night
Love's deadful eve, goodbye Emily
I'll be with you in the sky

I'll be there

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